Anurag Singh
Full Stack Engineer
On a journey to create best in class appsbest in class appsbest in class apps and crafting delightful experiences.
I am currently looking for opportunities, shoot an email
What am I doing currently?
I'm working as a software engineer at zuddl ↗
Understanding backend development with Java and Golang.
Tinkering with React and TypeScript.
Featured Projects
An API monitoring chat-bot that also provides insights and information about your application health, metric, potential issues and reasons.
One of the top 100 submissions for Rakuten India's flagship hackathon (Rakathon 2022).
I built the responsive chatbot interface from scratch.
tools used: React, MUI, DjangoREST, Express, PostgreSQL, Redis, Celery, Lighthouse
An automated crowd sourcing model to prepare a question bank of objective questions and an interface for academicians to generate questions/papers.
Grand Finalist at Smart India Hackathon 2022.
Being the Team Leader, I worked on the frontend and design of the web-app.
tools used: React, MUI, DjangoREST, PostgreSQL, PyTorch